Baby Bugs and Buggy Parties

20 Dec

1Last chapter the babies were toddlerized, and their grandmother developed a special fondness for them.  She also developed a special fondness for being arrested.  Rapidash and Goldeen went to the spring festival and Rapidash tried to burn it down. 2By the way, this is not the face of a cat that has passed out.  Cats do not pass out.  They sleep where ever they want to sleep.  This is the face of a cat on some sort of narcotic.

Gengar: “The cat got into my meth figurine collection again, didn’t it”

3Gengar: “Got to fix the speakers on this thing for the babies.  They jammed a whole loaf of uncooked toast in the CD slot and now I got to dig it out if they ever hope to hear their disc of the Greatest Wiggles Hits of the Decade for the 3844th time.  But I’ve just been digging SO HARD…”

Goldeen: “Well good luck with that. Also don’t forget to go to the hospital afterwards if you ever hope to walk again.”4Gengar: “By the way I didn’t do this.”

Do NOT cook the uncooked toast after you dig it out of the CD player, Gengar!

5Goldeen: “Oh NO!  Not the stove that I never used!”

Clarisse: “Who could have done such a thing!”

Spoiler alert:  It was actually Clarisse that lit the kitchen up to begin with.  Her spirit Pokemon was chosen correctly.


Gengar: “Oh shut up, you want a fire so badly?  Here, I’ll make one for you.”

Please don’t, put the hammer down.

7The next few days consisted of nothing but baby training.  It wasn’t that intresting.


Goldeen: “Come Scyther, we shall just go learn how to walk out in the snow.  At least there your grandmother will leave us alone.”

8Caterpie: “So, you do know you’re not supposed to jam your whole body into the playset, right?  Kinda breaks it, and kinda ruins the fun for everyone else.”

9Scyther: “Did you really just try to tell me how to play with my toys, boy?!”

Caterpie: “I, uh, no I was just…”

10Caterpie: “Well you see, you’re brain is here, and it’s just that, you want to protect this part of your body, almost more than anything else, and really you shouldn’t take it and shove it into solid objects like that…”

Scyther: “How about I’ll play with my doll set the way I want to play with my doll set, and you’ll keep your mouthhole shut if you even want to play House with my toys ever again.”

Caterpie: “Sigh, yes ma’am…”

I will admit though, I wish more sims would listen to Caterpie’s advice.

11I got neglectant for more than 10 minutes and Goldeen’s fish started dying.

Seaking: “Oh NO!  Feebas, not you!  Or was you HuntailI think.  Am I even Seaking?  How am I supposed to really know, I can’t even see straight.”

12I actually think I know why my fish are dying off.

Finneon: “Why Remoraid?!  I thought we were buddies…”

13Soon spring was here, and Goldeen and Clarisse rented a lot by their favorite place near the beach.  Goldeen’s favorite anyway.  I’m sure Clarisse could care less.

Gengar: “Now I’m fairly certain that that over there is just a puddle of sea water, but just in case it is pee, don’t go over there and play in it.  Either way.  I’d hate for you to ruin your formal wear I had to steal from Kohl’s work so tirelessly with my nimble little fingers to sew for you…”

14Goldeen: “Mom if you didn’t want him to play in the fish piss you shouldn’t have set him down on the ground in the fi-Is that a purple man crashing my wedding?”

15Bryce what the hell happened to you?

Bryce: “I just slept out in the woods in 20°F all night last night, no biggie, I’m a hardy man after all.”

You turned into a grape.

16Clarisse: “Who’s ready to get WASSSTTEEDDDD”

Goldeen: “We’re not getting wasted on our wedding day.  Save it for the after party.”

17I noticed right before the wedding that Clarisse’s little belly tattoo’s gonna make an appearance for the wedding as well.

Freezer Belly-Bunny: “But I wanna get CRUNK”

After party.

18Clarisse: “It’s starting to pour down, are you sure you wanna go through the wedding now or should we take a literal raincheck?”

Goldeen: “No this is the PERFECT time for a wedding in my opinion!  Now there’s no way I’ll dry out and pass out on our wedding.  I couldn’t ask for a better weather front than this on our perfect day!”

Clarisse: “Then let’s get this show on the road!”

19Goldeen: “Too bad I can’t bring myself to walk over to the wedding arch for whatever reason.”

Raichu: “Oh NO.  Not the glitches, not now!”

Parasect: “Great.  It’s gonna be one of those lame-ass broke weddings.”

Arcanine: “No one wants to hear it, you almost died taking your time at your wedding so don’t even say anything.”

20Clarisse: “Where is new wife?”

Goldeen: “Hmm, no way I can go around this way, and stepping over the baby would be a no-no.”

Parasect: “Laaaaaame.  Uninterested.  Wet.  Gonna go home.”

21Goldeen: “Oh shove a damn foot in it, Parasect.”

Gengar: “Yo, Arcanine, set him on fire, I’m getting tired of his bitching already.”

Clarisse: “Just two more steps to the left, my love.  You’re almost… there…”

22Goldeen: “Wanna try to get married again?”

Clarisse: “Yes please.”

Goldeen: “Ok… wait, one more try.  Wanna try to get married again?”

Clarisse: “How many more times are we gonna go through this before we just quit in frustration and Private Wedding?”

23Shane: “Sorry I’m late.  No I’m not.  I had more important duties.  But then I heard that all three of my children showed up to these girls’ wedding, so I figured I’d at least show up and spend time with my sons and Arcanine.”

Continue to be absolute trash, Shane.  I know you no other way.

24Goldeen: “Yes!  Now that my father is finally here, we can finally actually go through and get married!”

Clarisse: “Really??  All you were doing was stalling for your late arrival father?!  Are you sure we are even going to actually go through with this time for realsies??”

25Apparently so.  All attempts to wed were cancelled right up until Shane appeared on the lot.  I suppose Goldeen really wanted her father to still be there at her wedding.  No matter how late he took to show up.

Now me girls are wives.  The wedding went without a problem in the end after all.

26Bryce kept pelting Caterpie with rice though.

Ashley: “Cut it out!  You’re gonna make his stomach explode or something!”

Caterpie: “The little particles do make a great water absorbent though.”


Here’s Clarisse’s stats now that’s she’s part of the Pokemon family.  She’s a friendly flirt, which I’m sure was obvious at first, yeah, sure.  She’s an artistic, light sleeping, cheapskate, and she wants to live in the lap of luxery, which is about $400,000 more than what we have for it at the moment.

28MM: “This girl’s wife plays a wonderful guitar.  She’s lucky to marry her.  She also tastes deliciously.”

Wait a minute…

29Rapidash: “About time you guys came home.  You forgot to put down a puppy pad in here for me to pee on, so you’re lucky I didn’t start an electrical fire with the outlets.”

Gengar: “Cease and desist.”

30Rapidash needed the excercise either so he and Gengar went out to violently murder Gengar.

Rapidash: “Well if she were to die it’s her own fault for napping in the middle of the road.”

31Rapidash: “See?  See what happens when you sleep in a busy intersection?  You brought this on yourself.”

Gengar: “RAPIDASH.”

32Goldeen didn’t get a birthday party, instead she celebrated it outside of the grocery store while selling a crap ton of salamanders she pulled out of the cemetary pond.

Prof. Oak: “Wow, she… doesn’t fair well with old age.”

Goldeen: “Speak for yourself, I see you’ve lost your ability to dress yourself correctly in your old age, Oak.”

33Rapidash: “I’m gonna roll my horse stank all over this kitchen floor!”

I’m actually more angry at the unrendered china cabinet than anything else.

34Venomoth: “Wow, it’s Holloween again already?  Because that’s a nasty scary decoration they got set out on the lawn.”

Parasect: *Would make a smart ass comment had his mouth not been rendered into a blurry smear*

35Goldeen: “Your Grandma Venomoth and part of your Uncle Parasect are here because it’s your birthday!  Aren’t you excited for today, sweetie?!”

36Ashley: “No one’s excited for your crapping baby’s birthday party, Goldeen!!”

Goldeen: “Haha, you better be happy with the fact that you’ve locked yourself up safe in that game room, Ashley, because I’m about to ring your neck.”

37Goldeen: “You know what.  I don’t feel like the kitchen is a good place for my baby to grow up.  To the living room!”

Clarisse: “No.  Wait, GOLDEEN COME BACK”

Bryce: “I didn’t sleep in an ice box to miss out on this nothingness?  Ugh.”

38Goldeen: “I forgot what I walked into the living room for, but whatever!  Let’s cake the babies!  It’s their birthdays, and I wanna cake both of them!”

Clarisse: “I see why I’m not allowed to cake one of them… why?”


Gengar in the corner: “:(”

39Goldeen: “Yeah, but I don’t feel like the kitchen’s good enough for the babies!  To the living room it is then!”

Raichu: “Why can’t we have a normal party without bugs for once?!  Why am I called the insane one again?!”

40Goldeen managed to ruin the party, and a bunch of cakes, by pretending to set them down in the living room and canceling out their growing up animations when she gets there.  So they moved the party to the yard, but no one wanted to stand out in the rain for another one of Goldeen’s crazy parties, so the guests went home.

Scyther: “Roll me closer to the sugar bread, mother!  Roll me with the broken claws you call arms!”

41Scyther: *Poofs up in a bush*

Clarisse: “And that’s safer than the kitchen, why again?”

42Goldeen: “I think it’s time for my little man’s big birthday party!!”

Clarisse: “After hearing that about three times, I no longer care, even if it is my own kid.”

Scyther: “Amen to that.”

43Caterpie: “So THAT’S where all our Christmas lights go after the holidays!”

Scyther: “Did you know if I knew about this doll in my back pockets earlier, I would have named her Erika?  Ah, I guess Snuggles will just have to do for now.”  *Pulls doll’s brains out by the back of its head*

44Caterpie: “Not only do I get to grow up after a failed birthday party, but I also get to grow up with my grandmother incarcerated!  Again!  Happy birthday to me!”

Gengar has a special talent for attracting cops.

Gengar: “At least it proves that my Sweet Scent works.  It doesn’t do what I WANT it to do, but it does work nonetheless.”

45Shane: “I found my way to the party!  Happy birthday Scissors and Cat Treats!  I am the proudest grandpa, somehow!”

Scyther: “The party is over, grandpa, but whatever.  Thank you for showing up late.  Again.”

46The nursery was turned into Caterpie’s room, a perfect little nook for a little kid to curl up with a book.

47Scyther on the other hand was moved to Golduck and LaShawn’s old room, which doesn’t seem fair since her room is larger, has a back walkway with a hot tub and its own bathroom.  Because of how the house is laid out, Caterpie has to deal with what he has for now, but I’ll let them swap rooms when they turn teen, so I’m not playing favorites.

48Here are some better lit photos since they can’t seem to grow up under anything except moonlight.  Caterpie, as it was alluded before, is now a bookworm.

49Scyther now loves the heat.

50Raikou: “Litleo… remember who you are, and who you have become”

Litleo: “Dad, why are you being overdramatic and emotional like this right now?”

Raikou spent a little time with his child, giving Litleo some lifelong advice for the future.

51Because he died a little while later.

Raikou: “It’s because I lost my front legs, isn’t it…”

Death: “It would appear so.”

52Gengar: “You DO know I had to stop working out for 8 straight hours to come view this right?!  EIGHT HOURS, RAIKOU.  I was SEVEN HOURS IN!  You OWE me a completed Opportunity!”

Caterpie: “Grandma how could you”

Scyther: “No, grandma has a point.”

RIP Raikou.  Thank you for attending Thanksgiving last year and joining the family.  Now join your cat wife in heaven and we’ll bury you in the cemetary and we will ignore it when your ghost shows up v.v


10 Responses to “Baby Bugs and Buggy Parties”

  1. Senny Paine December 20, 2014 at 2:51 am #

    Belly tats are the best tats.

  2. LilyShadowWriter December 20, 2014 at 12:29 pm #

    I say this all the time, but every now and then I feel the need to repeat it in some way or another, so here we go again: thank you for existing–your blogs never fail to make me laugh and smile, even if I’ve had the most terrible day ever. You are infinitely awesome.


    • missmiserie December 27, 2014 at 7:05 am #

      I’m glad to make your day at least a little bit better 😀 thank you for reading!

  3. yumehoshichan December 20, 2014 at 3:09 pm #

    That freaking tattoo XD

    Scumbag Shane should be a new meme or something, I swear.

    The twins look adorable 😀

    • missmiserie December 27, 2014 at 7:06 am #

      Shane’s already a walking joke, he’s already a meme unto himself as it is!

  4. somebodysangel13 December 22, 2014 at 12:41 am #

    The twins are so cute, I freaking love your outfits, they fit the pokemons so well.

    LAMO at yet another glitchy wedding. Those Pokemon just don’t like to have a good time, hey?

    • missmiserie December 27, 2014 at 7:06 am #

      Glitches apparently are their definition of a good time, it seems.

  5. ozziedoggirl December 27, 2014 at 10:04 pm #

    It took me much too long to figure out that uncooked toast was bread.

    And bookworm is a perfect trait for Caterpie.

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