Archive | September, 2019

Return to the Sea

29 Sep

1So last time Lickitung grew up to be a pissy little teenager and won prom king the next day.  Porygon had a birthday and then Slowpoke had his “birthday” and by that I mean the family got into a collective piss poor mood and Slowpoke didn’t get it despite being on 0 on the age counter.  And he didn’t grow up on his own either so if that isn’t as Slowpoke as it gets I don’t know what is.

Lastly Jigglypuff and Ditto were born and I’m tying some tubes on these women in this family.4In OTHER news

THIS going down on my banners on boolprop which is GREAT love the sudden censorship from Photobucket for sudden reasonsyeahIsn’t that LOVELY

After 15 years of leaving me the fuck alone and letting me live my life with my shitty photo library, Photobucket has decided I have too much freedom and REALLY GUTTED that bandwidth

I probably could get more out of a floppy disk right now holy shit

I haven’t posted anything to that site in probably a couple years now and this is lovely, so now I need a new way to do forum banners so if you guys know more than I do, lemme know because THANKS PHOTOBUCKET YOU’RE SUCH A DEAD SITE NOW6Back to trying to get Slowpoke to not get taken away from us for child abuse I just now realized that Clarisse’s bird from whenever she found it is still alive?  I think?

Natu: *T pose of Death*

Slowpoke: “I may need something after a while?  Maybe a cracker?  No rush, I think I’m good right now.”7Half the family was forced on an MM ride because everyone’s so far in the red that it was getting hard to crawl back out it at my game’s pace.

Kristina: “I can’t believe I peed myself, where is my structure, my honor”

Lickitung: “SO IT WAS YOU” 8EAFS/FERDINAND!  What’s up my DUDE

Ea/Fe: “I’m trying to convince this kid to enjoy life and jump into this pile of leaves!  Come on Jeffery…. it won’t hurt you… it’ll be soft… fun

Jeffery: “Why is the cat talking to me”
9Lickitung: “Hey Sugar Mama, I got some lunch money if you swing it over here to me gurl”

Tawanna: “Sorry kid, you got to be 21 with ID to get drunk on this.”10Lickitung: “FINE BE THAT WAY WHORE”

Tawanna: “And if you be like THAT you’re getting a life ban at the kissing booth, kid.”
11Clefable and Kristina actually dumped him at the park and left to practice driving, and look!  They found Auntie Arcanine, which does me good to see how well she is.

Which reminds me that Raichu had passed away a few days prior to this day, and I wonder if the death of her beloved brother had done anything to her emotionally.

Arcanine: “Nah.  He should have believed in the Protection of the Flame.  He wouldn’t have died of old wizard disease which he got instantly after grabbing that live transformer box.”

12Anyway Omari invited, of all people, Kristina to his spring party and she jumped out the back of the moving van.

Kristina: “Don’t worry, Clefable, you got this!  Just remember all I taught you and you’ll get home just fine.”

Clefable: “UH” *Tries to remember exactly how to cross the street at a crosswalk while driving stick*
13Lickitung: “Wish I may, wish I might, will this machine tell me I’m hot tonight”14Machine: “STUD if you weren’t dressed like a nerd.”

Lickitung: “GASP yes!  I knew I was voted Prom King for some reason, and its TRUE!  The ladies can’t get enough of Lickitung in a suit and tie.”

I guess????15Also I just realized He is on the side of this face painting station.  Gotta pour one out for this homie.

Sim Ross: *Holds up neon fucking fushia* “We about to make some Happy Mistakes on your face, Lickitung!”

Lickitung: “SOLD”16MEANWHILE Kristina arrived at the Omari crib, which by the way I don’t remember ever being this green, back when Nancy was in here.  I actually like this house a lot.  Maybe that’s why all the sims keep moving into this place.17Clefable: “For not inviting his own son, and instead inviting his mama’s current girlfriend, I’m rigging this house.  Hope they enjoy constant gas.”

Sherri: “GIRL I can SEE YOU”18Lickitung: “Daddy”

Omari: “Ok Omari, old boy.  You knew years of smoking that kush was gonna finally catch up to you.  Remember what the little green fairy told you to do when you get in this situation…”19Omari: “YOU AREN’T REAL, DEMON BEAST, LEAVE OR PREPARE TO CATCH HANDS”

Lickitung: “Dad it’s ME!  Your KID!  Where all your child support checks go!  PLEASE don’t kill me”20Lickitung: “WAP!  Sense Knocking Slap of Slappingness!”

Omari: “OOF where am I?  Lickitung?  I thought we were in the living room??  Was I tripping THAT hard??”

You two beat on each other until you play nice.21Clefable left to hang with her mom.  It seemed like a good day to get these kids to hang with their other parents.

Clefable: “Mom!  I’m so happy to see you!  You got kittens!!”

Tyra: “I know!  I also got a new skirt!”

Clefable: “Awesome!  I hate it!”22Clefable: “Have I ever told you about my best friend Koga?  He’s not real, but he’s real to me.  He likes to hang out at the bottom of the swimming pool and leaves puddles in my room when he watches me sleep :)”23Tyra: “You need real friends.  You’re too old to be having stuffed animals or whatever.”

Clefable: “Yeah well…. you need new lipstick but I’m not here to tell you how to live YOUR life…”24Checking on our boy, I don’t like that the MM does jack all for the mermaid moistness issue, but hey, what can ya do.

Lickitung: “Dad please…. go get me an Aquafina….”

Omari: “NOOOoooo no more thoughts of water, I got to pee so bad!”

Lickitung: “Please don’t rehydrate me with pee…. no more… pee…”25Lorenzo: “Omari!  This isn’t proper way to treat your guests!!”

Omari: “And your way is???”

Thank you Lorenzo… please don’t stand over Lickitung when he wakes up though.26Really bad photo angle.

Omari: “This is the last party I’m ever hosting.”
27Back at Tyra’s is not going any better.

Tyra: “I will NEVER protect you!!  You walk around acting like I even WANTED a child!  I pay that hussy Scyther every month as it is so don’t think you can roll up in here and keep asking me for more than that!!”28Clefable: “But what about all those games we played when I was a child…”

Don’t bother, Clefable, I think this old bitch is set in her way.29Scyther: “Come join me, children.  I’ll never abandon you and you guys know that.”

Clefable: *Sobs and returns to the sea*

Lickitung: “Maybe I should have taken my tux off before walking into the ocean.”30I sent Gengar to meet them at the beach for wholesome family activities and didn’t realize that left Slowpoke and Porygon alone.  No worries little guy!  A very inexperienced baby sitter is on the way!

Slowpoke: “AM I STARVING”

You’re fine now, just grow up already like you were supposed to do a day ago.
31Slowpoke: “I can’t believe how long you let me go without something to eat… I could have like, DIED”

He’s CUTE, lot of Tyrone, but I think he’s got Scyther’s eyes?  He has cars on his jacket because he’s a Vehicle Enthusiast now.32Clefable: “I have chosen now that I must return to the Moon to lead the colony of space Clefairies that need me”33Scyther: “Stop showing off, Clef, you aren’t going anywhere.”

Lickitung: “Where am I tho”34Slyveon: “Oh, it’s also my birthday?  Or is it the catnip fairy?  No one prepared me to deal with this kind of situation…”35Slyveon: “It was the birthday sparkles afterall.  Am old”

Awww…36Gengar: “Hey guys, I’m here.  I brought Jigglypuff because I love babies.  Also I thought Rapidash destroyed this lot.  That horse lied to me.”

I guess you just can’t destroy a national treasure like Goldeen’s wedding lot.
37By the way when I said wholesome family activities earlier I meant digging for rocks.

Gengar: “Wow I’m hungry, alright here Jigglypuff, you supervise.”38Gengar: “You have fun and don’t let Jigglypuff in the driver’s seat.”



Scyther: “Yeah, the baby does NOT want to be here!!”
41Scyther: “She want to be right in front, so she can see the dirt fly better!”

Lickitung: “Oh.  I see.”42Anna: “What”

Gengar: “I’m not related to these clowns and you can’t prove it”43Lickitung: “Am I the only one that sees how unsafe that drill is to a baby?!  Here, Jigglypuff!  Odds are you’re a mermaid anyway so it’s best that you learn to swim early.”

Thanks.  Very helpful.  You’re clearly the big brain of the family, Lickitung.45Leif Hurt: *Cocks gun* “WE GOT A CODE RED!!  UNSECURE TEENAGERS ON THE BEACH LOT!! NEED BACKUP!!”

Do you really have to exist?46Lickitung: “WHY”

Scyther: “Can you not see I’m on the lot with my children??? I know I walked into this bathroom and left your very direct eye sight and all but this is ridiculous YOU BETTER NOT BE OUT THERE HEARTFARTING OVER ME BECAUSE I FUCKING AIN’T”47Leif Hurt: “Please have sex with me, we can name our kid Mew or what the hell ever, just let me hit that ass”

48Oh and by the way he’s only here for Lickitung, Clefable doesn’t have to go anywhere.


Clefable: “Hey I’m not the one that threw the damn baby in the OCEAN, Lickitung”49Lickitung: “Are you serious officer?  This is what you want to do??  Arrest an unarmed teenager with a baby??  A BABY, officer.  An INNOCENT CHILD.”

Leif Hurt: “God I don’t fucking care, you will BOTH uphold the GOOD AND UPMOST IMPORTANT LAW”

Never too young to get a police record, Jigglypuff.50Leif Hurt: “OH and you’re not letting that shitting and puking brat in MY whip, you better start walking because if you aren’t up this hill in two hours I’m shipping you to the penitentiary.”

Lickitung: “Are you SERIOUS”51Leif: *Sits in his car with a bag of donuts and Netflix* “I’m so getting my promotion”

I miss Donnell.52Lickitung: “I can’t believe this is happening to us Jigs… all I wanted to do was get you away from the drill and into safety and now we got arrest records…”

Jigglypuff: “Actually this is great, now the other kids in my future nursery will know I’m a force to FEAR”53Well it’s a good thing you don’t have to walk far.

Lickitung: “That officer probably didn’t know there was a path to the house from here otherwise he’d make me walk the long way around.”54Long way or not you don’t have to walk the WHOLE path… you know you can just cut through your backyard, right??55Lickitung: “……What am I even doing back here?  How did I even GET here?”

Jigglypuff: “Now’s not a time for your absent-mindedness to kick in, dude.  I know you inherited a bit of your father’s Stupid, but I’d like to get in the house now.”
56Clefable: “YEAAAAH GRANDMA!  Now that that square is gone, we can now party up and get CRUNK”

Gengar: “You’d think she’d be more sympathetic to him, but maybe that apathy is something she inherited from Tyra?  I won’t tell her that though.”

Fuch(sia) Them Kids

25 Sep

1Clefable fought tooth and nail to get out of having her birthday, but alas, I don’t play that crap.  Porygon was born very soon after and then after that, Kristina and Scyther got started on a duel pregnancy, and Rapidash started some fires in town for funsies.

Lastly Lickitung had a birthday and will now commence being a teenager now.2He’s very Omari, as expected.  Haven’t checked to see if he was a clone though but he probably is WRONG he has Scyther’s nose so genetic diversity!!

Lickitung: “I exist or some shit, idk”

Since I didn’t list his childhood trait due to me not knowing, I’ll list his current full list now, which is absent minded and hot headed, along with brave and athletic.  Very strong Angry-football-dad vibes with those traits.
3Janine: *Grows up while piss soaks through the clothy fibers of her feet*

Kristina: “Nope, no idea how that could have gotten there, I’m just as bewildered as you”

Lickitung: “You’re not my real dad”
4Testing Lickitung’s mermaid (merman) form out, seeing if he would bug like Caterpie did and see if it was just a male thing.  He works just fine.

*Caterpie curled up in a water puddle sobbing somewhere*5Clefable: “I see that you are of the merfolk, Lickitung.  I too, am of Neptune’s blessing.”

Lickitung: “Oh shit, crazy coincidence”

All the family secrets coming out tonight I guess
6Gengar: “I am of the moles”

I haven’t had that glitch in 100 years Gengar, don’t bring it back.7Fucking shit that’s scary

Koga: “Come down here I got candy”8Janine: “Oh shit, candy?  Count me in.”

Lickitung: *Knowing full well Janine is still piss ladden from earlier and so launches straight out of the pool to live the rest of his life far far away*9His bedroom was redone and teen-ified, and hopefully to his liking.10Lickitung: “Wouldn’t be too bad if I still didn’t have a doorway still wide open to Slowpoke’s room, EXCUSE ME, I don’t want to hear him screaming at all hours of the night.”

I’ll delete it if you don’t sleep in your swimwear that you don’t even use…
11Clebale: “The best way to block out Slowpoke’s and Porygon’s all night crying is to go to bed with an extra wall between you.”

Excuse me12Clefable: “First you just got to climb this pretend wall tree like you would a real tree.  It’s ok because with the power of imagination, anything is a real tree.”

Scyther: *Has never had a single fuck about anything the kids do*13Clefable: “Hello”

Imagine that popping up and crawling towards you while you sleep.14Rapidash: “The kitchen is nice, but you guys really need more greenery in this house.”

Gengar: “Can’t you do something actually productive besides phasing through our walls all the time?!”

Rapidash: “Fine, I’ll see what I can do.”15Aww, it’s Goldeen and Clarisse’s wedding set up still untouched since the day they wed.  It’s a city landmark now.
16Rapidash: “NOT FOR LONG IT AIN’T”17Rapidash: “Now if you don’t mind I have to go stand in Gengar’s bathroom for 12 hours until I starve”

Anne: “WHY CAN’T YOU LET US REST?!!”18Betty: “I’ll be honest, after cooking for 3 hours, the wedding arch looks good all black and stuff.  If I could still use it it would be great for a goth wedding set up.”

So true on that.
19I skimmed over the neighborhood children looking for potential spouses for the future but didn’t really look very hard.  Most of these are either related to the Pokemon or are not interesting in general.

Lickitung: “I tried to ditch because I won’t be associated with townie losers but Kristina screamed from across town so it’s safe to assume I’m grounded”

Kristina: “LIKE HELL YOU IS” 20Kristina: “Dammit, the ever multidimensional sidewalk strikes again!  He’s in a completely different realm from where I’m at and I can’t reach him from here!”

Lickitung: “You’re NOT my REAL DAD, Krustina, GOD”21Scyther: “Well I’m glad you are home from a successful day of education and learning NOT YOU LICKITUNG”

Lickitung: “Rebellion”

Scyther: “Well now you can help me grow up your baby brothers so go grab the other one and let’s get some caking on!”22Both Clef and Licki: *Hella ignoring*

Scyther: “I guess I see how it is… I guess I’ll just insert myself into this table and…”
23Scyther: “Alright then later Porygon, can’t say I didn’t try but I got to piss like there’s no tomorrow!!”

And then Scyther power pissed my game into crashing I guess because TAKE TWO24This time cakes in the backyard to be closer to the babies I guess

Maid: “I will be shoving all these leaves in my ass”25Gengar: “Kristina told me how you disrespected her at the school today, Lickitung!  She may not be your birth father but she cares more about you than that half baked sleazeball Omari ever was and you will respect her!”

Kristina: “Thank you for helping me with this issue Gengar, but do you have to punch me in the shoulder blade to do so?”

Gengar: “Not right now Kristina the Matriarch is talking here”26Clefable: “I hope Likitung doesn’t get grounded because it’s PROM night up in this hizzah”

*Dresses like she stole that out of a Goodwill bin*

I did NOT even get a notification for this at ALL27Anywaaayyy you ain’t dressing like a blind hoochie mama, NOW you may go on to prom my little princess.

Clefable: “Thank you, disembodied voice that I can only assume is my fairy god mother, I love wearing a curtain”28Scyther: “Well I guess you won’t have no party guests to share cake with, Porygon.”

Sigh.  Not true.

Porygon: “I’D RATHER NOT”
29Porygon before his bimboification.

99% Scyther when she was baby.30And now he’s 89% Scyther as baby, its all cool now.31Kristina: “Now that that’s done time for the second birthday to happen, it’s your YOUNGER SIBLING, PORYGON GET OUTTA THE WAY I’M DROPPING THIS ONE LIKE A BAG OF ROCKS”

Porygon: “But I hungy”

Abraham: “I didn’t come for this kinda show but ai’ght then”32Gregory: “Oh look, another screamer I think”

Cake: “Oh shit that’s my cue” *Insta-candle*

Kristina: “CAN WE PUT THAT ON HOLD WHILE I PASS THIS HUMAN KIDNEY STONE”33Clefable: “I had a shitty prom and this is what I’m coming back to?  Thanks for nothing Porygon”

Porygon: “JUST GET SOME CAKE AND STFU I’M SAD HERE”34Scyther: “Well you guys are about to get a lot sadder because I too am also in a birth giving mood!”

Gengar: “She’s less dramatic about it than Kristina is because she’s already slid out half a dozen of these things so her birth canal is more of a ship canal at this point.”

I don’t have very many pictures of Slowpoke, that sucks.36Kristina: “Look Porygon, it’s your baby sibling Jigglypuff!  You got to look after her and take care of her for all of us, ok?”

Porygon: “Yeah yeah…” *Puts on coat because he’s tired of waiting*

Gregory: “Smart baby right there.”

Abraham: “Smarter than us, by far.”

250px-039JigglypuffShe is an evil genius.  And personally, I think it’s fitting.

If she doesn’t grow up a diva virtuoso tho I will eat something unedible.37And then apparently instead of taking a picture of the other baby I checked on the beach which is still burning from the previous night


Betty: *Has smartly backed away 5 whole spaces showing some sims have some inkling of intelligence*

38And here we are, in the nursery redone from the very unused “Caterpie bedroom”, is where the “twins” will sleep, so here they are together, Jigglypuff and her sister Ditto.


She is a couch potato and a light sleeper, and as much as I love all pink pokemon it seems, I believe this is the last babies of this gen, so now we wait for everyone to grow up and after what TWO OR THREE years this gen can move forward IT’LL BE GREAT39BY THE WAY, I went ahead and got rid of Slowpoke’s crib (more or less so the mothers wouldn’t hock Ditto or Jigglypuff in here as quickly as they could possibly get rid of them) and remade his room and IT’S MY FAVORITE I’m not being biased at all

Keep holding that carpet taut, Slowpoke.
40Other side of the room is a Christmas tree that blows bubbles.

Because why not.41HOWEVER

Instead of a birthday because that would just make too much sense to Scyther, she chunked him into Porygon’s crib because fuck them kids

Scyther: “I know you haven’t eaten in probably two days but mommy’s need to take a bath is more important.  And to be honest it probably is.  If I die who’s going to take care of you?  Gengar??  Well yeah no, it’ll be Gengar.  You’re fine”

Porygon, still in the backyard: “what the shit”42Lickitung: “I also, could use sustenance considering I probably haven’t eaten since I was a wee child.”


Can you NOT get on a lot proper for once in your life, Lickitung… 43Then the cop drove Lickitung a whole 10 feet to what I guess he thought was the front of the house (Nice try fucker it’s actually in the backyard with the mailbox and the Charizard)

Front yard cakes: “We actually survived the crash!  You saved us!  Please use us.  We don’t like the raccoons eyeing us from the graveyard.  We are scared…”44Gengar: “YOU COULDN’T PICK UP ANY BURGER KING ON YOUR WAY HOME TO KEEP US FROM STARVING COULD YOU”

Lickitung: “But I thought we could all pitch in for some KFC…”

Scyther: *both tired and dry for the first time in ages because what is even a shower*45Lickitung: “Anyway, prom was shit, how has Slowpoke faired aging up into not-a-child?”

Gengar: “Can’t say I route failed twice since coming out of the backyard but we’re getting there.”46By the way, the only notification of prom.  I’m happy his ONLY day at school before prom, spent on the sidewalk getting threatened by Kristina, was enough for the student body to vote him in as Prom King.

The other students must really SUCK.47Hey Noivern.  See you’re lagging up, bugging out, and dying hard as well.

Noivern: *Is paralyzed and cannot move*48Scyther: “Hey, I want to let you know, that I forgive you.”

Clefable: “Um.  For what?”

Scyther: “Stealing my youth and giving me stretch marks??? I don’t know, I just know you’re in need of forgiveness so, yeah.  I love you and stuff and stuff.”

No idea why she needed that, but Clefable is cute in this shot so it balances out.49Scyther: “Also your baby brother has been howling for 14 hours straight, go take care of him while I plow your step-mother in the shower”

Clefable: “Would rather die”5051WHILE Scyther was offering forgiveness to Clefable for fuck all, this was going down in Parasect’s life.  Ashley had died the night before (I didn’t care to document it because eh) and today he found a new old biddy to share his life with.  I guess the second he walked into the front door of her house?  Tyrone lost his shit about it??


Parasect: “I gave up a whole mansion for this”
52Oh and

Slowpoke: “I think I’m starting to get a bit peckish.”

YOU THINK?? HAS ANYONE IN THIS HOUSE REALIZED HE’S STILL STARVING TO DEATH?? HELLO?? ANYONE LIVE HERE???53Gengar: “I really do got to do everything in this house don’t I.  Here kid, feed.”

Slowpoke: “Oh fuck, yum”



Arson She Wrote

16 Sep

1Last chapter the family had a successful winter gift giving party, and Scyther announced she is pregnant again.  Litleo called it quits on the mortal coil and passed away.2And now Clefable has her BIRTHDAY

Clefable: “uuuh, I think not”3Clefable: “Bye bitches, dinner’s in the fridge”

Scyther: “Whu-huh?”

Gengar: “But I want the cake….”4She ran to the far side of the lot then “complained” that she could not reach the cake from there.  Like really?

Clefable: “I can’t reach it therefore I can’t grow up.  Simple as that.”5Clefable: “Stop TRICKING me into coming into the kitchen!  I don’t want to age up, I don’t want to deal with high school drama, the hormone tantrums, the relationship issues, the upcoming dread of existential crisis of encroaching adulthood, I just want to stay younger for a while longer!  Let me go out in the yard and blame the mailbox for blocking my way to the cake…”6Gengar: “Too bad you little shit, I moved it to the table so now you can’t blame anything on this lot blocking you.  Because I know the table works.”

Clefable: “Grandma, you are supposed to be on my side.”

Scyther: “What did you mean dinner is in the fridge, Clefable, everything in here is uncooked…”7Clefable: “I guess teenhood won’t be too bad… I can at least learn to drive on my own if mom would bother to teach me.”

Scyther: “I guess I got to starve now….”

Go MAKE something yourself for once, Scyther.8Clefable: “Alright!!  Kristina’s here for my birthday!  NOW it’s a party up in here!”

Kristina: *Emotionally dead and half asleep*
9Clefable: “I’m fineeee” *Tyra genes exploding all over her*

Kristina: *Still napping*10Clefable: “Seriously mom, all that cake isn’t good for that baby, you need to eat a fruit once in a while.”

Scyther: “Can’t hear you over this delicious butter cream icing” 12Scyther: “AND I DEFINITELY CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THESE SICK DISCO MOVES”

Gengar: “She already said she didn’t give a damn and left the room, Scyther.”

Scyther: “Probably too threatened by my SICK SWEET SKILLS”13Scyther: “UUGN, baby does not like disco”

Lickitung: “I’m already too tired to put up with this.”

Floor: “You’ve broken your water on me for the last time, Scyther.  This is the end of our friendship.”14Scyther: *Feels the inside of the baby’s intestinal track* “Yep this is a real human child”

This is baby Porygon!

15I love Porygon, this is really cute for me (99% of pink pokemon are all cute to me though, sue me)

He may be banned from American television for something he didn’t even do but he’s not banned in my heart.

He’s friendly and a genius, which works for me.16Scyther: “Alright then, well you have fun and I’ll see you at your next birthday kid.”

Porygon: “why”11Back to Clefable, without that neon pink light accentuating her coloring.

Her new trait is a love of swimming, which is good for her mermaid side.  And she’s got pretty good features from both parents, which gives her more points for genetic diversity.17Upstairs I gave Porygon the room with the undeletable stone block that I’ve been unable to get rid of since building the house.  I’m sure it’s a lot safer than Slowpoke’s floor hole though.18I also gave Clefable a fairy themed updo to her room so she’s not so down at being 13+ now.

AND THEN I VANISHED FROM TOUCHING THE COMPUTER ALL SUMMER BECAUSE I’m moving into a house19UPON RETURNING I found out that Sylveon is a girl?????  This whole time???? Has she always been this way because I ended up going back through the old chapters and honestly I really dick up the sexes of all my pets, but damn, I was 100% sure Sylveon was all hunka hunka man20Sorry Eafs-now-named-Ferdinand-for-some-reason.  Turns out your daddy is really your other mommy.

Ferdineafs: “Does it matter?  Sylveon never paid my child support.”2122Another thing about the pets (this one entirely EA bug bs and not my fault at all this time) is, technically, Rapidash is older than her son, but at the same time, younger probably?  She’s “49”, but she’s been around since Gengar was a child I think and give or take whatever Keldeo’s age is…. so I really don’t have a grasp of how unicorn age rates go and I don’t think at this point I ever will.

Both of them: “Please of the love of Arceus someone spend some time with us”23Scyther: “GIVING BIRTH TO ALL YOU UNGRATEFUL BUT WELL LOVED CHILDREN HAS MADE ME HELLA INCONTINENT”

Lickitung:  “Yeah I’m just really really tired of it all now”

Clefable: “Honestly the first thing I’m doing now that I’m older is going back to the moon to live amongst my peoples, just to get away from this crazy house.”
24And then I think, the snow finally melted for the first time in forever.  One of these days I’m making the whole family rake this scattered-ass yard.

Rapidash: “Ignore us we aren’t doing anything illegal”25I also found, in the front yard, that we have a new gnome for the first time in forever!  I never knew this gnome existed!

Hawkmon: “Its called a s-GNOME-man.”

26Devin: “My name is Deon now.  I’m just here today because did you pay your bills way back in March?  I bet you didn’t.”

Bitch.27Deon: *Prepares to steal some books off the shelves*

Are you enjoying yourself there, Pumkaboo?  Is that truly the best seat in the whole house?28A seat truely fit for a king (or queen, the fuck do I know about pet genders anymore)

Pumkaboo: “The sharp pointy bits have ruptured all my organs :)”30Clefable: “Awwh maaaannnn, too many Fireballs my dude”

You better not have even been thinking about it young lady.31Kristina: “I really enjoy the child we have made together.  Porygon sounds like he’s going to make a fine young man when he grows up.”

Scyther: “Consider how loud he’s screaming, he could be anything!  A metal singer, an angry talk show host asshole, or a howler monkey, I mean the sky’s the limit”

Maybe y’all should look into what he’s sobbing about?32Scyther: “Actually I bet I can make you scream louder than him”

Kristina: “Omg same”

Woohooium: “UGH don’t”33Porygon: “Turns out I’m pretty content right now.”

Clefable: “Then why don’t you SHUT UP AND LET ME CONSIDER SLEEP”

She’s got Scyther’s ability to bust some facial expressions wide open.35*Fast forward through a whole boring 24 hours*

Kristina: “Well I’ve been forced to put on full body PJs so looks like I’m carrying the baby this go around.”36Scyther: “I can’t wait to see Kristina’s face when I tell her she’s fathering another nooboo with me!”

I’m doubling the pregnancy this go around, and then considering that would be 7ish kids I think I’ll call it a day, just gonna get this gen popped out but I just LOVE PINK POKEMON I LOVE THEM ALL AND WANT THEM ALL ;n;37Then I played one night in a very pissy mood and decided to take it out on some areas around town…38Rapidash: “This seemingly empty and unsuspecting mansion will never see me coming.”

Let’s just have a little fun shall we, Rapidash?
39Rapidash: “I BESTOW UPON THIS SIDEWALK, THE MAJESTY OF UNICORN MAGIC~”40Rapidash: “A’ight, I did my part, later pooters”

Won’t the lovely homeowners, whoever they are, be in such a surprise when they come back from the grocery store at 4am :341Rapidash: “This home is so… uncared for.  Uncut grass.  Garage unsecured.  Just anyone or anything can just happe-“42Rapidash: “BOOM, FIRECHECK”

That poor, probably moldy and raccoon infested couch.43Rapidash: “DON’T THINK YOU’RE SAFE JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A PUBLIC PARK, GENERIC CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND NUMBER 4”44Rapidash: “Alright, so like, I’m out of magic.  I’m just gonna trot on home, y’all have fun with these fires.”

Personally I just want to see how long they will burn before anyone does anything about them.45Clay comes home and clearly does not give a flying fuck about his yard.  Not that it looked like he gave a fuck about it ever.

Clay: “I literally just got home at 5am after working almost triple shifts probably at Dumpster Hole Science Co. laboratories and I’m too TIRED to be putting up with this shit right now.  If it’s still there in the morning I’ll look at it later!”46The park fire was instantly looked into by Melissa and coworkers.

Melissa: “I’m really just not up for these kind of lawless shenanigans.”47Not all sims have even a 10th of Melissa’s IQ, however.


Ricardo, who chose to stand virtually in the fire: ” WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN THIS EVER HAPPENING?!”48More townies on the way to save the beloved children’s park.  Note not a single one give a shit about Clay’s yard all the way down the street.

Clay: *Already passed out on his living room futon or something not giving a shit either*49Bernadette: “AAAGHRWIOEGHWEOI I CAME OUTSIDE JUST TO PERMANENTLY SCAR MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE”

Melissa: “WAIT A MINUTE, WHEN DID I ever get a baby sister?”50Melissa: “You’re dad’s new wife?  I didn’t even notice him remarrying or anything… Anyway, you’re really responsible, letting your daughter come out to the local natural disaster, aren’t you”


Melissa: “Great.  Now the weather will get all the credit for saving everyone tonight.  Whatever.”52Ricardo: “I think we all learned a valuable lesson here today.  Fire is to never be played with, underestimated, or trusted, and I personally never hope to see a raging fire ever again.”

Well don’t look behind you, Clay’s yard is still lit up like a Christmas tree.

Fire: “THIS DELICIOUS DEAD GRASS FUELS MY WRATH”53The fire at the manor wasn’t as strong however, and took shelter under the roofing.

Fire: “Water scary and hurt stingy ouch ouch”

Eventually it gave up and died on its own, and I stopped paying attention to Clay’s yard.  Some think it’s still burning to this day since Clay refuses to spend any of his time off doing anything to his nasty ass yard anyway.
54Gengar: “You loafed too long and the school bus left without you, so consider yourself grounded for .004 seconds before I let you off the hook because it’s your birthday.”

Janine: “Yeah, think of the consequences you little shit”

Lickitung: “I uh, I will definitely consider”

Unrendered and unused cat house: “AAAGHHH DEATH PLEASE”
55Hey Kristina.  I’m trying to plop a cake down for Lickitung.  Can you go piss yourself in another room please.

Kristina: “Oh shit, too late, HOLD ON, I’ll warp the piss somewhere else far away from here instead of under the table!  There we go, should be long gone from here now!”

Your teleporting skills need work.56Kristina: “M… my teleporting skills have GLITCHED!  I can’t stop PEEING!  Dangit, I’M ADDING TO THE PUDDLE!”57Kristina: “I’m so sorry!  Please don’t judge me!!”



AND THAT CAUSED YOU TO PISS YOURSELF 6 TIMES???59Scyther: “Why does this kitchen smell so horridly musty?”

Kristina: “No idea but anyway, who’s ready for your birthday, Lickitung?!!!”

Lickitung: “Am… I standing in piss”60Janine: “WOOO I love a guy that’s 6’9””

Lickitung: “I’m noodle”